Sunday, February 25, 2007

Tertulias at Tinta y Cafe

I decided to go over to ground zero for Miami's Cuban hardliners today, Calle Ocho. But it was to attend something called a Tertulia which is a coffee talk of sorts. The venue is a coffee shop called Tinta y Cafe, Ink and Coffee and it's a little oasis of rationality in an otherwise backward part of Miami. I mean, what do those old men playing dominoes know about geopolitics, international law, and social justice?

It was very refreshing to hear my like-minded comrades go on and on. I really feel that we are making headway against the illegal and imperialist American policies vis-a-vis Cuba.

It was great meeting up with the whole gang that I haven't seen since our training at the DGI compound in Havana. Oh Marifeli Perez Stable was there, Max Lesnik, Francisco Aruca, Oscar Corral, you name it. It was like a Castroite dream team.

I had to tell Lesnik how much I love El Duende!

Oh well, I have to go. It's time for me to do my rounds and post disinformation on various blogs of the empire. I also have to get the shortwave radio warmed up so I can file my weekly report.

Until next time,


Saturday, February 24, 2007

Welcome to Mambi Waaaatch

This blog is built on 7 basic principles.
  1. The U.S. is evil
  2. Cuba is good
  3. George Bush is the Devil and Miami's Cuban hard-liners are his demon children
  4. Fidel Castro is a misunderstood leader who has done a lot for his people
  5. Anything that goes wrong in Cuba is a result of the US embargo
  6. Any so-called political prisoners in Cuba are simply mercenaries on the US payroll
  7. The US should reward Castro by lowering the embargo without any stipulations because that would be violation of Cuban soveriegnty.
I am going to write incredibly long posts that drop a lot of names you've never heard of and talk about international institutions like the UN as if they actually had any merit or relevance to US foreign policy.

In short I'm going to cry about these hard-liners because there's really nothing else I can do.

Stay tuned for more.
